Your Home During Pregnancy.

A serene and secure home where you can reside throughout your pregnancy.

A Warm & Encouraging Sanctuary

Welcome to Lighthouse Acres, your haven of warmth and encouragement during this precious time of pregnancy. We understand the unique challenges that pregnant women face, and our mission is to provide a calm and nurturing environment where you can find the support you need.

Maternity Housing

Our Maternity Housing Program offers a safe and comfortable home for expecting mothers like you. At Lighthouse Acres, you will find a serene and secure space where you can reside throughout your pregnancy. We believe that a stable and peaceful environment is essential for your well-being and the well-being of your child.

Lighthouse Life Program

Embracing the holistic needs of pregnant women, our Lighthouse Life Program is designed to empower you with essential tools and knowledge. Through counseling, educational workshops, prenatal care guidance, and more, we equip you with the resources necessary to make informed decisions and build a positive future for both you and your child.

Join Our Supportive Family

Lighthouse Acres is more than just a housing program; it's a caring community that welcomes you with open arms. Our dedicated staff and volunteers create a loving family environment where you can find acceptance, understanding, and lasting friendships. You are not alone on this journey—we are here to walk beside you every step of the way.

We invite you to make Lighthouse Acres your home, where warmth, support, and encouragement await you. We believe that every woman deserves a safe and nurturing place during her pregnancy, and we are honored to be a part of your journey.

For more information, complete the form below.